An Acid Neutralizer is filled with calcite mineral and/or georgia marble, which is a type of limestone that regularly backwashes. An Acid Neutralizer has the capability of taking pH levels around 5.8-6.5 and raising them to the normal level of 7-7.5. They can also be used to remove ferric iron from your well water. The neutralizer is made of a non corrosive fiberglass mineral tank, bypass valve, convenient dome hole for replacing dissolved mineral and a high flow distribution system. To maximize efficiency of an Acid Neutralizer, it important to do frequent maintenance on the system to ensure peak performance. On average, your system should be checked and topped off every 6-18 months in order to maximize its lifespan.
Acid Neutralizers
What Your Acid Neutralizer Does
5600 Acid Neutralizer

- Tank size: 10" x 54" with dome hole
- 1.5 cubic feet of mineral bedding
- Mineral used: Calcite or Georgia Marble for Ph control
- Treats: Ph and ferric iron
2510 Acid Neutralizer

- Tank Size: 13" X 54" w/ 1-1/4" dome hole
- 2.5 cubic feet of mineral bedding
- Mineral used: Calcite or Georgia Marble for pH control
- Treats: Ph and ferric iron
Contact Us for Your FREE Water Analysis and Consultation
Phelps Water Co.
180 Mayo Rd.
(P.O. Box 117)
Edgewater, MD 21037
Phone: (410) 956-2522
Fax: 410-798-6758